Fully Alive: Embodiment Group for Teen Girls

Fully Alive: exploring embodiment, together.

“Life is complex. It is beautiful and painful and mysterious. And life happens in and through our bodies. So bodies, and how we relate to them, are beautiful and painful and mysterious.” -Hillary L. McBride

You are good. You have always been good.

Focusing on embodiment, this group meets Mondays from 3:30-4:45pm at Grace Church for 8 weeks starting September 30th. Come play and heal creatively together with wisdom, curiosity, and kindness through art, music, dance, and other creative outlets. This group is for teen girls ages 13-16. Each week we will explore different themes together:

-I am at home inside myself.

-I am my body.

-I can learn to be safe with myself.

-My body is good.

-Safety, play, creativity, and connection are my birthright.

-All of who I am, all of my feelings, thoughts, and emotions, are welcome in my body and in this world.

“Embodiment doesn’t have to be learned, for we are born into it; it only has to be remembered.” -Hillary L. McBride

Additional Details:

This group is limited to eight individuals. Please contact me to schedule a free 15 minute phone consult to find out if this group is a good fit for your teen. Additionally, an individual intake session is available for your teen before the group begins.

Cost: $250 (this covers any materials/supplies needed, and eight weeks of group sessions).

Location: Grace Church

Time: Mondays @ 3:30-4:45pm

Dates: September 30th-November 18th